My heart is to see small businesses, nonprofits, and churches succeed in the digital world. So often a professional-looking website seems out of reach, but my desire is to build a space online where you can find the help you need to create your website, as well as the tools needed to successfully maintain it.

Hi there,

I’m so glad you’ve navigated to this particular page on the vast internet and that you are taking the time to read up on who I am! If you’re here, you’re probably wondering what sort of credibility I have in designing websites or imparting helpful factoids about website design and maintenance. It’s a bit of a circuitous road, so thanks in advance for buckling up and riding along.

First, I’m a pastor’s wife and a mother of one high-energy, music loving toddler who is addicted to yogurt. We live on a sprawling once-dairy farm in Pennsylvania and find ourselves daily inspired by the beauty of creation. My degree is in Secondary Education English, and my love of the written word was seemingly from birth. 

It was later that I would discover a love of graphic design and web design and development. Several years ago, I enthusiastically took a position at the church which my husband was working. As any other nonprofit or church can at times attest to, their website was seriously failing to accomplish their goals to accurately portray not just their church building but their people and to help attendees assimilate into the congregation. 

Being a girl with a go-getter attitude, I said, “Why don’t I take a whack at it?” So began an exciting, albeit long, trek into self-taught web design and development. While I found myself often referencing YouTube, I had mentors along the way, as well, that pointed me in the right direction. 

We began to see the fruits of a professional-looking website that accomplished our goals. Hopes and dreams met. And it looked pretty good!

But I wasn’t finished yet. I found that I had an itch that was design and development that wouldn’t be scratched with one website. Bec Fehl Design LLC was born out of a desire to learn more and to pass my knowledge to others so that they can begin to see online success. 

My heart is to see small businesses, nonprofits, and churches succeed in the digital world. So often a professional-looking website seems out of reach, but my desire is to build a space online where you can find the help you need to create your website, as well as the tools needed to successfully maintain it.

We can do this together.